Sunday, December 14, 2008
It was the real social networking!
This class was my first time to manage my own blog. I was contacted with others in the both real and virtual world.
I was happy when some fellows left comments on my blog post. I think this can be the kind of social networking. How amazing that we can share our thought without any speaking or eye contacting.
The Blogging. It was efficient and easy way to share our opinion about whole class topic. I learned a lot of things from this class and some of them I will use at my home country university such as google doc. it will be really efficient for group project so I will recommend this tool for my Korean friends. :)
Anyhow, I can not believe that this class is over. I feel I have to blog post until next monday 8am and leave some comments until wednesday.
Looking back on our whole class it was really helpful for me. I've learned not only social networking and business but also how to share thoughts and opinions with foriegn peoples.
It was useful, joyful and helpful for me as much you can't imagine.
Again, Thanks for you guys and I hope we will meet again on the virtual world :)
It was nice to meet you blogger, the Second life, Yelp, Google docs and twitter!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The measurement of Social Media ROI is the goose with golden eggs

These days it is so controversial whether it is important to measure the social media’s ROI or not.
I found a blog posting related to this issue on the Internet. According to “Selling Social Media Programs Requires The Ability to Show ROI” It shows that ROI is required when selling or buying social media programs and this is connected directly to the success of the social media company.
It is apparently that surveying the social media ROI is important for business. Thus, we should consider Qualitative and Quantitative of social media because it would be reliable sources when social media negotiates with company by presenting accurate numerical value.
The measurement of Qualitative and Quantitative could be investigate the influence of social media’s contents and messenger then make a list of the order of priority. In addition, calculate the web site's number of scraps, comments and trackbacks could be the mesurement too.
Most of all, hearing carefully from their customer will be the most important part of the measurement.
In conclusion, we should calculate and measure the social media ROI by using intelligent tool or something more efficient than before. In my opinion, ultimately, the object of running social media should be make people live better not just increase the profit.
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Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Snack culture

Do you know the Snack culture? It is like a trend of culture that people tend to prefer simple things and enjoy them within short time. (If you want to know more about this just clik the word Snack culture)
In this sense I think Twitter represents the Snack contents. It allows 140-character communication and people are willing to enjoy and spend their time in that place.
The strengths of snack contents are easy to make and convenient to use.

When you first enter Playtalk, you can see the information of Playtalk.
"Display your digital life in Microblog"People write down their simple thought or instant feeling on that website and share it with unknown people. Korean famous writer Oisoo Lee, operating his own playtalk homepage ( collected his Playtalk comments and published them in one book called “ha-ack ha-ack”. That book became the Korean Bestseller in July 2008.
PLAYTALK is a microblog based
social network service. Playtalk is a smaller version of a blog, limiting posts
to 250 characters. You can view posts online, mobile or via SMS. This is a great
way to meet friends and keep up on what they are doing.
In this case you can see how micro blogging have gained in popularity over recent years
Now is the time that the simple is getting its power through contemporaries' consumption pattern. As a university students, we can use the microblogging site such as Twitter and Playtalk by knowing thoroughly about these tips.
Don't you think the simple 140-character communication has the real complicated power?
picture credited to :
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Do you know Virtual Hollywood Program?

The name of that program is “Virtual Hollywood” it means that as customer get an impression by watching movie the company wants to make a deep impression on the customer.
The members of virtual Hollywood team were temporary transferred from diverse department such as R&D, Product, marketing. They met at the virtual space “Bar(It means Field)” where variety of workers share their know-how without any spatial and temporal constraints.
The one interesting thing is that in the reality they might not know each other! That’s because they just met at online not met face-to-face.
The Fuji Xerox won the first prize of MAKE(Japan’s Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise) because of efficiency of the virtual Hollywood program.
If you want to know more about virtual Hollywood, click this
According to this case, I think the virtual team creates new possibilities of success in the competitive market place.
When manger control the virtual team it is important to build a confidence between the team members.
Thus, if you want to succeed in the fierce competitive market with your team you should think about communication planning. Here are some tips about building trust with the virtual team. (just click!)
When you ready for this, you can jump in to the virtual space with your precious team members!
Photo credited to:
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A fabulous Rumor

-One famous top model died due to the citizen journalism
A few years ago there was a hot issue derived from the article that affected whole Korean society.
The article said that Korean top model Byeon, jeong su died from car accident.
However, at that time she kept alive and she got the hundreds of calls from who concerned about her whereabouts.
She got really angry with the situation and took a legal proceeding against it.
After it turned out that one female university student posted that rumor seemed like a real on her blog and the small news site without any reasons and people who read that spread out the big news rapidly.
Finally one journalist saw the information then wrote an article about her accident on the big official news site.
I think this is the case which demonstrates failure of citizen journalism.
One man can be killed by the careless blogger.
So, what should we do when we read an article and blog posting on social news websites?
There are some tips when we using social news websites which derived by the writing “A Beginner’s Guide to Social News Websites”.
1. Study the News Site Carefully
2. Determine the influencers
3. Develop a personal system
4. Connect with other users
5. Evangelize the social community
According to these tips we should discriminate truth from falsehood when reading an article on the social news websites and act carefully when posting some facts on the internet.
When you are ready for these and you can swim in the sea of social publishing!
Photo credited to:
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The power of business networking
From now, I will tell you an interesting story
My cousin worked in the electronic research field but now she is a financial specialist. How was it possible?
Because of business networking!
My cousin was employed in the Samsung company as a researcher(because her major was technology.) Samsung has a unique intranet called “My Single.” it is only opened to the colleagues of Samsung.

← this is the picture of My Single
In My Single there are messenger capabilities, Blogs and Cafés(it is similar to a blog but has more boards to share) which make companies interact and communicate with each other.
My cousin had great social skills and got along with colleagues very well by using My Single’s networking system. (It is similar to which is mentioned in “Interview with Ryan Mapes of”)
One day one of her colleagues called her on the My Single Messenger and recommended her the unknown program of MBA. He worked at a different department from my cousin’s but she met him at the My Single café and they became good business friends.
She accepted his suggestion and applied to the MBA program which is supported by Seoul University, the most famous university in Korea.
It turned out that he only suggested that program to my cousin because he thought my cousin was the person who was qualified for it.
After that she passed the program and completed the whole course of MBA. Now she is a director of Standard Chartered Bank and makes much more than before.
What if my cousin did not meet him on the networking site? Could she become a director of totally different field of job? Maybe she couldn’t.
I think when we use social networking and business networking sites as proper way it will produce valuable chances to us.
Yes, Business networking has a potential power to improve one’s life!
picture credited to:
Sunday, October 5, 2008
One lost her job because of privacy problem.

As you know well, nowadays there are a lot of serious problems about ‘Privacy’ on the Internet.
According to the report “Teens, Privacy and Online Social Networks” teens are tend to hide themselves on the Internet by using a fake profile. I think that’s a good idea
Also in my home country, the Cyworld(I said before) users have a tool which can protect themselves from an indiscreet exposure.
“1 chon” is the grouping tool. By using this we can group friends like this; one group can see our whole information and pictures and the other can’t. Furthermore who are not form a relationship ‘1 chon’ they can not see my whole information and pictures.
Isn’t it cool? It is an intelligent tool to protect our privacy.
However, few years ago there was a fatal event occurred in the Cyworld. A famous Korean announcer JW Park had security breach in her home page. She already grouped people by using ‘1 chon’ but someone did hacking and spread out her pictures. In her home page there were a lot of pictures taken with her boyfriend. Which are little bit loud but it doesn’t matter in the individual manner.
However, she retired as announcer because Korean mores and norms tell us not to be loud as a public man (including celebrities.)
(she had her eyes swollen with tear because of this event) →
What a pity! I had sympathy for her.
According to this sad story, what should we do when we are on the Internet?
Now is the time to regulate the acting which threats one’s privacy on the Internet.
both photo credited by:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
It is my story!
In my country I had a cell phone which was made by Samsung. The name of the cell phone is ‘Mini skirt,’ It has a slim shape that makes it easy to grip. Furthermore, it has touchpad on the upper side giving it a simpler shape. For these reasons I bought this phone without any hesitation.
However, the more used “Mini Skirt” the less satisfaction I had. That’s because the function of the touchpad does not work well. What’s worse, is that sometimes it got out of control without any touching.
← left: my korean cell phone, the 'Mini Skirt',
right: my USA cell phone
That made me enter the Samsung cell phone’s official website. There are already many customers who felt samely as me with the Mini skirt and they argued to Samsung by writing reviews that it had many defect to use.
Amazingly, the Samsung company was welcoming of those ideas that came from the customers. After a reasonable period of time the Samsung put an advanced cell phone on the market. The name of that phone was the “Mini Skirt 2.” Right, that is advanced version of the Mini Skirt.
What about the customers who already bought the old Mini Skirt? They were active participants who submitted their idea about the defects of the Mini Skirt. Of course, they got chance. Samsung gave them an opportunity to upgrade their cell phone for free. When it received the service of upgrade, it functioned almost the same as a new phone(the Mini Skirt 2.)
How amazing! We can change the huge companies’ products! And it makes products easier to use.
This situation is related to the concept of “Conversation” which is mentioned in “Conversational Marketing Asks 'Can We Talk?'"
‘The conversation’ is initiated through ad units in blogs, Internet forums,
social networking sites, message boards and any other forum that features
two-way conversation. It allows people to talk about themselves in relation to a marketer's products.
Don’t you think this is the Win-win game for both customer and company?
Now, I am totally satisfied with my upgraded cell phone. :)
picture credited by:
Sunday, September 21, 2008
You were the cover model of TIME !

2 years ago the American famous newsweekly TIME selected “YOU” for Person of the year. That means an ordinary man who use internet, blog, media and be active in those places can be a TIME’s Person of the year. It shows that the User’s power grow incredibly bigger than the past, and also play a big role in current society.
For example, in my country Korea people participate actively in creating UGC. Have you heard about UCC? We called ‘UGC’ to ‘UCC.’ The word “UCC” is an abbreviation for User Created Contents. Its meaning is similar to UGC.
There are no places we can express our thought freely except the INTERNET.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Just imagine your flavor
That is when I apply for getting a job in Vitamin Water, I should be a creater of flavor.
How exciting it is!
Click here and you can read Kim Bryden's wiritng:)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My Dunk
Have you ever made your own unique stuff?
After reading the article “Innovation Tools & Trends Nike's New Public Design Studio” from Business Week, I could not contain my curiosity. Then I entered NIKE's official web site.
I spent the whole time making my own NIKE shoes and backpack. It was really fantastic and I did not realize how much time had passed. This task may play an important role in marketing.

← This backpack is designed by me! see at the both sides of shoulder strap. it says "ITEC 335"
According to my experience and the article mentioned, customers have begun changing their passive role in the market place to an active one. Furthermore, their power is growing and getting bigger.
It seems like there is no discrimination between corporation and customer in the current market.
However, when I made my own NIKE dunk, I wondered if the customer has power over the company.
If people see my design and try to purchase that DUNK, can I claim that NIKE DUNK (made by myself) as my property?
The answer may be “No”
As you can see in “Artificial Intelligence, With Help From the Humans” article, I think ‘crowdsourcing’ and ‘open Innovation’ help companies to expand by using consumer ideas.
In conclusion, I think cunsumers just help companies to get bigger and wealthier.
What do you think about this?
(I will be sad if my precious DUNK is used as NIKEs’ marketing resource for free.)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Is “Second Life” our real second life?
However, when I read some articles dealing with Second Life, I began to worry about it's future.
That’s because when the virtual world relates to real life tasks, such as finances, it will bring some copycat crimes from the reality of our lives.
Of course, it has a bright side. In the case of “Second Life's First Millionaire,” Anshe Chung is the first millionaire. It is not only success in the virtual worlds, but also success in the actual world because Second Lives’ cash, “Linden dollars,” can be converted to real cash.
On the other hand, with keen observation we can think about the opposite side; fraud, swindling, money crimes.

There are a lot of items which can improve characters’ fighting skills, that can be purchased by Aden. The “Lineage” became more popular so there were cash transactions between items and cash.
Unfortunately, extensive cyber frauds linked to money and items occurred.
More surprisingly, the criminals were teenagers!
How amazing! Virtual world is closely connected with reality. However, it tells us the virtual world cannot completely escape the actual.
I can say the Second Life is another aspect of reality, not just a fancy new world!
Pictures credited to:
Monday, September 1, 2008
Be a tension!, when you are in the virtual world.
"Be a tension!, when you are in the virtual world."
Have you heard about Korean favorite web community "cyworld" ?
It is like an american social networking site "Facebook". I do not know well about the Facebook but when I first looked over this site, I thought it seems like a Korean web site cyworld.
While reading "Social graph-iti", I agree with the situation that people on the internet, especially social networking site, ignore the advertisement and concentrate on their contact with knowing people, because in Korea, a lot of people only use cyworld as their space of communication not as space which meet with an advertisement.
↑ This is a cyworld. The Korean famous online world.(and that person is me!)
In cyworld, there were already a lot of attempts about advertising and marketing but most of them were failed. Why these situation happened? I found the answer about this question while reading "Social graph-iti". In this article, Mr Tobaccowala says Facebook has only “large crowds who are communicating without expressing specific interests." this accounts tally with the reason why marketing failed on social networking web site.
However, according to "Social graph-iti", Reuben Steiger represents that using other sort of marketing such as experience, it can be successful at the Facebook. I can not totally agree with this opinion. The object of using Facebook or cyworld is just connect and communicate with friends, not to be exposed to official work or marketing. If these places were used as commercial site, people are going to lose their interests and leave.
Furthermore, when social networking web sites are used as space of collecting data, such as reality mining, it will bring a disaster. Of course, it has bright aspects, particularly at the public-policy level. by "Clive Thompson on Real-World Social Networks vs. Facebook 'Friends'". In my opinion, however, the human rights is more important than prevent spread of disease. I know that reality mining is also useful to protect human rights, but it is more like an invasion of the privacy.
I hope Facebook and cyworld present as a peculiar spaces to communicate each other not to be used as financial tools or places of collecting data. We feel comfort and free when visiting friends' virtual space and writing a serious or light comment to communicate with them without waste time and money. People do not want to be a tension when they exploring their own virtual space.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hi everybody !!
I'm from South Korea and I came here as an abroad at AU student.
Nice to meet you !