Have you ever made your own unique stuff?
After reading the article “Innovation Tools & Trends Nike's New Public Design Studio” from Business Week, I could not contain my curiosity. Then I entered NIKE's official web site.
I spent the whole time making my own NIKE shoes and backpack. It was really fantastic and I did not realize how much time had passed. This task may play an important role in marketing.

← This backpack is designed by me! see at the both sides of shoulder strap. it says "ITEC 335"
According to my experience and the article mentioned, customers have begun changing their passive role in the market place to an active one. Furthermore, their power is growing and getting bigger.
It seems like there is no discrimination between corporation and customer in the current market.
However, when I made my own NIKE dunk, I wondered if the customer has power over the company.
If people see my design and try to purchase that DUNK, can I claim that NIKE DUNK (made by myself) as my property?
The answer may be “No”
As you can see in “Artificial Intelligence, With Help From the Humans” article, I think ‘crowdsourcing’ and ‘open Innovation’ help companies to expand by using consumer ideas.
In conclusion, I think cunsumers just help companies to get bigger and wealthier.
What do you think about this?
(I will be sad if my precious DUNK is used as NIKEs’ marketing resource for free.)
Hey Song !
I completely agree with you. It is always the same. At first, you think about open innovation, crowdsourcing or customization, and you think : how great for the customer. But then, you just give them a little more thoughts and you see who will benefit the most from that kind of idea. The corporation. They are just making nicer and nicer traps for us to fall into without noticing it.
Thank you for your comment,:)
"traps" that word is good to explain these situation.
Completely agree with julie. Although I'm not sure I take the "evil corporation" spin on it. It's nice for consumers to be able to design their own products even if they no longer can claim their designs because they aren't given this opportunity anywhere else. Yes, some people are paid to come up with designs but ultimately crowdsourcing lessens expenses for the company and helps them create better products. I think, however, it would be fair for NIKE and other companies using creative consumer ideas to credit the consumer with that idea and possibly give them money for it.
I also wondered the same thing about how and if people are credited for their designs for something like Nike, especially if your design was chosen and they produced it.
I agree with you that consumers help companies get bigger and wealthier, especially with customization. For Nike, it helps them even with market research to see what customers want and tailors to their requests.
Threadless.com is an interesting company that is run by consumers. Consumers create the designs for t-shirts, people vote for their favorites and then the company produces them. Here the consumer gets to choose exactly what the end product will be. I think its a great marketing tool, it brings the consumer back again and again looking for what could possibly be their next shirt
Hi Song,
I agree with you to a large extent. The consumers create their products and Nike makes it known. Yeah, Nike gets a lot from this and the consumer gets a pittance. Both parties are getting what they want. The customers keeps coming back for more and Nike's market strategy is working. However, I think a little more recognition and compensation should be awarded the customer in the sense that this would gain the loyalty of more and more of their customers giving them a market share over their competitors.
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