As you know well, nowadays there are a lot of serious problems about ‘Privacy’ on the Internet.
According to the report “Teens, Privacy and Online Social Networks” teens are tend to hide themselves on the Internet by using a fake profile. I think that’s a good idea
Also in my home country, the Cyworld(I said before) users have a tool which can protect themselves from an indiscreet exposure.
“1 chon” is the grouping tool. By using this we can group friends like this; one group can see our whole information and pictures and the other can’t. Furthermore who are not form a relationship ‘1 chon’ they can not see my whole information and pictures.
Isn’t it cool? It is an intelligent tool to protect our privacy.
However, few years ago there was a fatal event occurred in the Cyworld. A famous Korean announcer JW Park had security breach in her home page. She already grouped people by using ‘1 chon’ but someone did hacking and spread out her pictures. In her home page there were a lot of pictures taken with her boyfriend. Which are little bit loud but it doesn’t matter in the individual manner.
However, she retired as announcer because Korean mores and norms tell us not to be loud as a public man (including celebrities.)
(she had her eyes swollen with tear because of this event) →
What a pity! I had sympathy for her.
According to this sad story, what should we do when we are on the Internet?
Now is the time to regulate the acting which threats one’s privacy on the Internet.
both photo credited by: http://kr.blog.yahoo.com/soojmh/3270
Hi Ssong!
Yeah..I did remember that event..
I remember that pictures even had not access to "1-Chon" group, but just only for herself.It was secret pictures.
It was shocked because Korean people usually think that announcer should be more intelligent and well-behaved.
Actually, I also saw the pictures of hers when it was first spread.
They were just cute and lovely couple in the pictures. But it anyway became problem as an announcer.
It was unfair and illegal case.
Celebrities' information more open to the public, so it became more difficult things to protect them.
Yeah..it is always problem
oh no! That sounds terrible. Do you think that if the announcer was a guy that he would have been treated the same way?
It's not her fault that the pictures got hacked into..she was trying to be private. I feel so bad for her too! Thanks for the visuals and the sad story Song!
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