These days it is so controversial whether it is important to measure the social media’s ROI or not.
I found a blog posting related to this issue on the Internet. According to “Selling Social Media Programs Requires The Ability to Show ROI” It shows that ROI is required when selling or buying social media programs and this is connected directly to the success of the social media company.
It is apparently that surveying the social media ROI is important for business. Thus, we should consider Qualitative and Quantitative of social media because it would be reliable sources when social media negotiates with company by presenting accurate numerical value.
The measurement of Qualitative and Quantitative could be investigate the influence of social media’s contents and messenger then make a list of the order of priority. In addition, calculate the web site's number of scraps, comments and trackbacks could be the mesurement too.
Most of all, hearing carefully from their customer will be the most important part of the measurement.
In conclusion, we should calculate and measure the social media ROI by using intelligent tool or something more efficient than before. In my opinion, ultimately, the object of running social media should be make people live better not just increase the profit.
photo credited by:http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://jbirdart.com/images/goose1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://jbirdart.com/Children_s_Book.html&usg=__Ig11FFeapcc-VoL5ssNa-y6nJEU=&h=360&w=363&sz=204&hl=en&start=7&sig2=RRtvUZB46zxT_rkrTf4XQA&um=1&tbnid=nXd276Tg0m-cFM:&tbnh=120&tbnw=121&ei=1_4ySf6JC4Gk8QSh_JWpBA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthe%2Bgolden%2Bgoose%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
oh my goodness when I read your post I thought of my PR Research class and how we always talk about qualitative and quantitative. so boring if you ask me. but yeah, as i posted elsewhere -- it's so hard to measure something like word of mouth for a product. you could easily target one person who tells 100 people or target 100 people who tell no one...and you may never know.
Hi Song!
Yeah I agree with your posting..
Comapany should not persue only for their ROI. Then their Social Media would lost their origin purpose. It makes many customers disappointed. Social Media should be used by its real purpose that communicate with other people.
I think it is the hard things to acheive properly.
Hi song!
I agree with your post. These days, because of the importance of social media, companies have to calculate the social media ROI. However, when the company measure the social media ROI, they prioritize the benefits for customers than their profits. It will better for their prosperities in the future.
hey song.
well, I agree with you partly. Do we really need to measure the effect of social media?? it does not cost that much. even if we try to measure it, it would not be easy. sometimes we can not see that but we can feel that like wind.
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