In my country I had a cell phone which was made by Samsung. The name of the cell phone is ‘Mini skirt,’ It has a slim shape that makes it easy to grip. Furthermore, it has touchpad on the upper side giving it a simpler shape. For these reasons I bought this phone without any hesitation.
However, the more used “Mini Skirt” the less satisfaction I had. That’s because the function of the touchpad does not work well. What’s worse, is that sometimes it got out of control without any touching.
← left: my korean cell phone, the 'Mini Skirt',
right: my USA cell phone
That made me enter the Samsung cell phone’s official website. There are already many customers who felt samely as me with the Mini skirt and they argued to Samsung by writing reviews that it had many defect to use.
Amazingly, the Samsung company was welcoming of those ideas that came from the customers. After a reasonable period of time the Samsung put an advanced cell phone on the market. The name of that phone was the “Mini Skirt 2.” Right, that is advanced version of the Mini Skirt.
What about the customers who already bought the old Mini Skirt? They were active participants who submitted their idea about the defects of the Mini Skirt. Of course, they got chance. Samsung gave them an opportunity to upgrade their cell phone for free. When it received the service of upgrade, it functioned almost the same as a new phone(the Mini Skirt 2.)
How amazing! We can change the huge companies’ products! And it makes products easier to use.
This situation is related to the concept of “Conversation” which is mentioned in “Conversational Marketing Asks 'Can We Talk?'"
‘The conversation’ is initiated through ad units in blogs, Internet forums,
social networking sites, message boards and any other forum that features
two-way conversation. It allows people to talk about themselves in relation to a marketer's products.
Don’t you think this is the Win-win game for both customer and company?
Now, I am totally satisfied with my upgraded cell phone. :)
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