From now, I will tell you an interesting story
My cousin worked in the electronic research field but now she is a financial specialist. How was it possible?
Because of business networking!
My cousin was employed in the Samsung company as a researcher(because her major was technology.) Samsung has a unique intranet called “My Single.” it is only opened to the colleagues of Samsung.

← this is the picture of My Single
In My Single there are messenger capabilities, Blogs and Cafés(it is similar to a blog but has more boards to share) which make companies interact and communicate with each other.
My cousin had great social skills and got along with colleagues very well by using My Single’s networking system. (It is similar to which is mentioned in “Interview with Ryan Mapes of”)
One day one of her colleagues called her on the My Single Messenger and recommended her the unknown program of MBA. He worked at a different department from my cousin’s but she met him at the My Single café and they became good business friends.
She accepted his suggestion and applied to the MBA program which is supported by Seoul University, the most famous university in Korea.
It turned out that he only suggested that program to my cousin because he thought my cousin was the person who was qualified for it.
After that she passed the program and completed the whole course of MBA. Now she is a director of Standard Chartered Bank and makes much more than before.
What if my cousin did not meet him on the networking site? Could she become a director of totally different field of job? Maybe she couldn’t.
I think when we use social networking and business networking sites as proper way it will produce valuable chances to us.
Yes, Business networking has a potential power to improve one’s life!
picture credited to:
Hey Song!
Thanks for posting on my blog. I read your post and that is so crazy about your cousin! What a great job switch because of a random person she met online. That's incredible. It really shows the power of social networking.
I stated in my blog on the great importance of business networking. I completely agree with one of your last statements, "I think when we use social networking and business networking sites as proper way it will produce valuable chances to us." Business networking websites are great when you use them correctly. For example, your cousin kept up with colleagues in her company through My Single. Thus, she was able to find new advancements for her job. Business networking is a powerful tool when you are in a trusted environment of colleagues.
I agree with your opinion. If you use business social network in a proper way, it is very useful as your cousin's story. Someone want to PR and get a better job, business social network is most effective way of that.
hey thanks for the comment on my blog. Yes, I agree completely with your opinion here about business networking. It is glad to know that it actually worked for her. Congrats to her!
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